Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Steam Controller Suddenly not working for Rocket League in Steam - Here's how I fixed it.

Seems like recently, Steam updated how the Steam Controller works with Steam and with games that natively support it. Unfortunately for me, that meant a big headache for me trying to figure out how to get it working with my Steam Controller again, despite having used it before. I had originally suspected that my problem had to do with using an Xbox One controller with windows for some games, resetting some type of setting. Turns out, that wasn't the case. It has more to do with specific updates to the way the controller interacts with Steam. Well either way, I figured out how to get it working - here's how I fixed it.

Rocket League Controller Options
Manage Game - Controller Options 

Firstly, even if you don't regularly use Big Picture Mode, you'll want to for now just to ensure you can get the Steam Controller to work. Once you've selected Rocket League in Big Picture Mode, go to Manage Game and select Controller Options. If you've ever used a custom configuration, you'll notice it's the field just below where you make those adjustments. 

Controller Application Options

These are the options I have for this window. I have Steam Input Per-Game Setting set to Forced Off. I'm not sure what exactly this effects since there are a few ways to adjust this type of thing, but for Rocket League, I have: Forced Off, Rumble Emulation On, and Frequency set to Default. 

Main Menu - Options - Controller Settings

From here, you'll go to the main steam menu in Big Picture, and then go to the options screen. (Gear Icon near the Top Right of Screen) 
Turn off all the other controllers in the configuration support section. You can leave the top setting on if you want to have the guide button focus on steam. I typically do. 

Use Steam Input in Rocket League Options

This is the most important part- Here's where most people's problems are solved. Meaning, if you don't have this selected, your Steam Controller probably won't work with the game without some other type of workaround. 
To get here just go to the options from the main menu, and select the controls setting. You'll probably have to use your keyboard/mouse up to this point. 

That's how I got MY Steam controller to work in Rocket League. I believe the last part is the part that had me perplexed for the longest time. I had expected the controller to just work once I started the game, but you actually have to turn on support in the menu settings. I had a similar issue back when I played Final Fantasy XIV and I should have known better. Hope this helps someone! 

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